Thursday, March 3, 2011

Q&A With Daniel Johnson

Don't Fence Me In (Take 9) from daniel johnson on Vimeo.
Yesterday I posted Daniel Johnson's "Don't Fence Me In," today I am pleased to post a Q & A I did with him.

1) Robyn is under the Turn-Ons section of your website, have you worked with her before or plan on working with her?
You must have me confused with a much more fortunate person. Robyn is killing it on all levels. I'd be happy to just fetch her coffee.

2) You used lyrics from Cole Porter's "Don't Fence Me In" for your track by the same name; are you a big fan of Cole Porter and that era of music?
I do like that type of song craft and I think at one point in my life I've even owned a CD of Ella Fitzgerald or someone like that singing the Cole Porter songbook. I've had phases over the years where I've been really into the great songwriters. Guys who can really put a song together, from Gershwin to Elliott Smith.

3) Was it hard to get approval to use the lyrics?
Actually, no. Some people at an ad agency were putting together a spot for Nokia and they came up with the idea to have someone do a cover of the song "Don't Fence Me In." They put out the call to bands and Yessian music roped me into the project. I did a couple of versions, threw my tracks in the pot with the all other artists and was fortunate to be chosen.

4) Have you and Brie Stoner considered starting your own group/band?(video above Daniel and Brie rehearsing)
Songs are being written. Studios are being booked. We just can't settle on a name.

5) How does the music you make now differ from the music you made with Judah Johnson?
In some ways I think I still write from the same place. Beats and melodies are the most important thing to me. I'm still just trying to make something soulful and stark. The biggest difference now is the way I think about production. I'm trying to learn to just let the song come through and not get in its way with all the little ideas I'm tempted to dump on the mix. My songs are shorter now. I'd like to think my mixes are more strategic.

6) Will your new album be like your debut solo album? or something completely different?
My debut album Lazrus was a labor of love that I made in my bedroom as a way back to music after a little break I took. I'm proud of that album but I think the one I'm making now is more focused. The album I'm making now is the one I tried to make with Lazrus. Avant pop, beats, soul tunes, a little rapping and pretty synths.

7) With Lady GaGa and Justin Bieber ruling the charts, what do you think about the current state of popular music?
I have failed to understand the appeal of Lady Gaga but I have friends who swear by her. At this very moment I'm not getting my inspiration from pop music but in the last five years I've been really into urban pop music like Kanye, Rihanna and Timberland. But I think that the definition of pop has been turned upside down. Indie rock bands are ruling the charts, too, right? Arcade Fire won that grammy... I think those distinctions don't really exist any more but even if they did I don't care about them. I've always liked records that happened to have sold well.

8) Finish this line: Without music I.....
Would have probably tried to go into sketch comedy. It's true.

You can visit his site to listen to and download some of his work.

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